Business Regulatory Compliance

Business Incorporation

We facilitate business registration and, help secure you all necessary business operation licenses and certifications to start operations.

We Facilitate Business Registration of All Kinds;


Sole Proprietorship
Company Limited by Shares
Company Limited by guarantee(NGO)
Unlimited Liability Company

Company Secretarial Services


Under Section 190 (1) of the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179), every company is required to have a Company Secretary to ensure legal compliance.
Firmus Advisory provides the following Company Secretarial services under our retainer package :

  • Provision of temporary virtual office address (for new businesses who do not have a physical office yet).
  • Responsible for organizing meetings; (Board of Directors Meetings, Council /Committee Meetings, Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) and Annual General Meetings (AGM)) of the company.
  • Ensuring that meetings (especially AGM) follow the appropriate procedures and complies with the requirements of the Companies Code.
  • Handling correspondence, circulating reports, ensuring decisions made are communicated to the relevant company stakeholders.
  • Monitoring changes in relevant legislation and the regulatory environment and advising on appropriate action.
  • Liaising with external regulators and advisers, such as auditors.
  • Maintaining statutory books of the company
  • Filling of annual returns
  • Returns of allotment of shares.
  • Notices of appointment, removal & resignation of directors and the secretary
  • Notices of appointment, removal or resignation of the auditors
  • Change of registered office
  • Resolutions in accordance with The Companies Code.
  • Changes in shareholding structures and/or stated capital

Immigration Services


Our immigration services include ;

Other Licenses and Permits

Depending on your nature of business activity and the nationality of the owners of your business, you may be required to obtain some additional licensing and permits before commencing your business operations in Ghana.

At Firmus we will facilitate all your  additional business licensing and permits for you. Among them includes;

1. Investor Registration with the Ghana Investment Promotions Centre (GIPC) 2. Licensing/Registration with the Ghana Free Zone Authority for Manufacturers/ Producers etc 3. Product Registration with the Food and Drugs Authority 4. Environmental Permit from the Environmental Protection Agency 5. Other Compliance licensing and permits that we facilitate include;

An enterprise in which foreign ownership is obliged to additionally be registered with the GIPC. Also, an enterprise which is wholly owned by a Ghanaian may after its incorporation or registration be registered with the GIPC if they so wish.

Services offered Include;

  • GIPC investor registration
  • GIPC renewals
  • Immigrant quota for expatriate employees
  • Technology Transfer Agreements (TTAs)
  • Duty Exemption applications

All businesses that manufacture locally in Ghana and exports 70% minimum of their produce are qualified to apply for Free Zones license.

Ghana Free Zones provides four types of licenses based on the authorised business activity of the business enterprise;

  • Developer
  • Manufacturing
  • Service
  • Commercial

In all four license categories, the business must be able to export at least 70% of all their local production and allowed to sell maximum of 30% in Ghana.

We facilitate product registration with the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA). Product registration is done together with the facility or warehouse licensing. We facilitate the registration of the following products.

1.Food Products (imported and locally manufactured)

2.Allopathic and Herbal Medicines

3.Cosmetic and Household Chemicals

4.Tobacco and Substances of Abuse

5.Medical Devices


We facilitate environmental permit with the Environmental Protection Agency which is a requirement for industries, manufacturing, restaurants and production businesses, among others.

Government Agency

Type of License/Permit issued

Minerals Commission

License for all mining and mining support businesses

Gaming Commission

License of gaming and lottery busineses

Ghana Standards Authority

Standardisation of products locally assembled, produced or manufactuted in Ghana

Bank of Ghana

License for businesses who are into FINTECH, Remittance, Banking, Non-Banking business activities

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